School Tennis – 8U National Winter Kent League.

Well done to Jasper (Y4), George (Y3), Imogen (Y4) and Zavanna (Y3), who all represented Deal Parochial in the 8U National Winter Kent League events at Bromley over the weekend of 12th/13th November. Most teams participating were from tennis clubs based in West and North Kent. We were the only school teams participating, and the only teams from East Kent.

The girls’ team competed on Saturday, whilst the boys’ team competed on Sunday. – Each competition started as round robin boxes, with the winning team from each box progressing through to the knockout stages of the tournaments.

The standard of tennis was really high and both teams played very well, holding their own in numerous lengthy rallies. Neither of our teams won through to the knock-out stages, but Zavanna and Imogen did amazingly well to win two of their fixtures 2-1, so finishing as runners-up in their box.

Well done, Jasper, George, Imogen and Zavanna – I was very proud of you all, for your tennis and your sportsmanship. You are a credit to Deal Parochial.

Also, a massive thank you to your parents for getting you to Bromley during the weekend.