Deal Parochial C of E (Aided) Primary School

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At Deal Parochial School it is our hope that all children will develop an appetite for learning. We aim to achieve this by providing a curriculum which motivates and excites children so that they enjoy learning, make good progress and fulfil their true potential – being ‘the best that I can be’.

We believe that pupils learn best when they are actively involved. ‘Learning by doing’ makes the work more interesting, more meaningful, more likely to make sense and more likely to be remembered.

Pupils are encouraged to take increasing responsibility for their learning and we want children to develop the ability to ‘know what to do when they don’t know what to do’. Many of the problems that children will encounter in later life will call for imagination, creativity and intuition, so at Deal Parochial these are qualities that we value and cultivate in the children.

We promote the highest standards of behaviour, guided by Christian values, and believe that children should develop respect for themselves and for others in our school. Daily Acts of Worship provide children with an experience of being part of a Christian community where an awareness of another dimension in their lives is developed and their spirituality nourished.

Relationships within the school reflect the love of Jesus and there is a caring Christian school ethos.

Please enjoy looking around our website. If you would like to gauge our energy, enthusiasm and ethos first hand, then please make an appointment with the school office to visit us.

Justine Brown