Staff & Governors
Teaching Staff
Ms. J Brown
Headteacher / Lead DSL / SLT
Mrs Friend
Reception Class Teacher / DSL
Mrs Johnson
Class 1 Teacher
Miss Dowling
Class 2 Teacher
Mrs Porteous
Deputy Head Teacher / Class 3 Teacher / DSL / SLT
Mrs Reynolds
Year 4 Teacher
Mrs Abbott
Class 4 Teacher
Mrs Bowles
Class 5 Teacher
Ms Watson
Class 6 Teacher / SLT
Senco, PPA Cover Teachers & Inclusion Team
Mrs Fox
Senco/Inclusion Leader/ DSL / SLT
Mr Greenhalgh
PPA Cover & Music Tutor
Mrs Bridgeland
Reading Recovery Teacher
Mrs Bugden
Pastoral Support Officer
Admin Team
Mrs Lunn
School Secretary
Mrs Knight
Admin Officer
Teaching Assistants / Learning Support Assistants
Mrs O'Grady
Teaching Assistant (Year R)
Mr Muir
Learning Support Assistant (Year R)
Mrs Burgess
Learning Support Assistant (Year R)
Ms Green
Learning Support Assistant ( Year R)
Mrs Beer
Learning Support Assistant (Year R)
Mrs Rea
Learning Support Assistant (Year 5)
Mrs Moczulski
Learning Support Assistant (Year 1)
Miss Clarke
Learning Support Assistant (Year 1)
Mr Matthews
Learning Support Assistant (Year 2)
Mrs Christie
Teaching Assistant (Year 1)
Mrs Beasley
Learning Support Assistant (Year 2)
Mrs Roberts
Learning Support Assistant (Year 2)
Mrs Hegarty
Teaching Assistant (Year 2)
Ms Neustadter
Learning Support Assistant (Year 2)
Mrs Comlay
Learning Support Assistant (Year 3)
Mrs Lane
Teaching Assistant (Year 3)
Mrs Lowe
Learning Support Assistant (Year 4)
Ms Scott
Learning Support Assistant (Year 3)
Mrs Hurst
Learning Support Assistant (Year 4)
Mrs Gilham
Teaching Assistant (Year 4)
Mrs Vicedomini
Learning Support Assistant (Year 4)
Mrs Collister
Teaching Assistant (Year 5)
Mr Earl
Learning Support Assistant (Year 5)
Miss Sobiech
Learning Support Assistant (Year 6)
Mrs Everington-Nee
Learning Support Assistant (Year 6)
Mrs Booth
Learning Support Assistant (Year 6)
Mrs Blackman
Teaching Assistant (Year 6)
Sports Coach
Mr Earl
Sports Coach and Play Leader
Breakfast Club Play Leaders
Mrs Holmes
Breakfast Club Play Leader
Mrs Best
Breakfast Club Play Leader
Caretaking and Cleaning Staff
Mr Knight
Mrs Best
Mrs Holmes
Mrs O'Grady
Mr Lewin
School Crossing Patrol
Catering Staff
Mrs Holmes
Whole School Meals
Mrs Best
Whole School Meals
Mrs Justine Brown, Headteacher
I am very proud to be the head teacher at Deal Parochial C.E.P School. Over the course of my twenty-six years in education, I have been a head teacher for 13 years; working in this role in three different schools. Serving the community is a great privilege. All staff and governors hold up most highly the rewards from working in children’s education. These rewards culminate in seeing happy, safe, interested and excited learners who are independent, who can think creatively, join in learning collaboratively and find a source of spirituality through their journey in life.
As part of the governing body, I work closely with the different working teams that represent our school. We take great pride in the good provision the school offers, in safeguarding, value for money, school resources and the educational achievement for all, in an inclusive and friendly way.
All aspects of school life come under the radar and are closely monitored by the governing body. Our actions and decisions are underpinned by our distinctive Christian ethos and values which give our school a unique and very special warmth and family feel about it.
- Date appointed: September 2014.
- No interests declared.
- Attendance at meetings 2023 - 2024: 100%
Mrs Mary Heard, Canterbury Diocesan Board of Education (Chair of Governors & Designated Safeguarding Governor)
I moved to Deal in 2012 having retired from Primary School Headship in Hertfordshire and became a Foundation Governor at Parochial not long afterwards.
I have over 40 years experience in education and see myself as a critical friend; guiding, supporting and challenging the school along with the Governing Body.
I have served as Chair of Governors for the past five years, taking a role in the Leadership and Management of the school. This entails working with the head teacher to promote and maintain high standards of educational achievement and ensuring the at the Governing Body sets and upholds a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction for the school.
I serve on the Learning and Development Team, the Ethos Team and the Strategy Team as this is where I feel I can contribute most.
I thoroughly enjoy coming into school, working with staff and pupils alike and seeing what a thriving school Parochial is. Being a Governor is a hugely rewarding role.
My other interests include choral singing, swimming, cooking and foreign travel.
- Date re appointed: May 2017
- No interests declared.
- Attendance at meetings 2023 - 2024: 94%
Mr Stuart Comlay, Foundation (Vice Chair or Governors)
I have been a Parent Governor for 3 years now following election in November 2018. Although this was a new role for me to start with, I am an active member of the school governing body and have a good collaboration with other school governors. I sit on both the Learning& Development Committee and the Resources& Finance Committee, both areas I am able to contribute most.
I have been an active member of the school community since 2009 when my eldest son started in Reception Class. Having now seen two of my three children go through Deal Parochial School, I recognise the importance of a sound base to start secondary school. My youngest child is now enjoying school in Year 5 and has shown incredible progress in both her learning journey and in her self confidence during her time at Deal Parochial School. I am keen to be more involved regarding the future of the school and believe all children should have the same opportunities to do their best.
I moved to Kent 25 years ago to start a career in science and although my role has changed significantly, I continue working with the same employer. I hope to be able to transfer the skills I have learnt at work and to apply them in the Parent Governor role.
I moved to Kent over 20 years ago to start a career in science and although my role has changed significantly, I continue working with the same employer. I hope to be able to transfer the skills I have learnt at work and to apply them in this new and challenging role.
- Date re appointed: November 2018
- No interests declared.
- Attendance at meetings 2023 - 20242: 86%
Mrs Gaye Waters, Canterbury Diocesan Board of Education
I am a foundation governor and was first appointed by Canterbury Diocese in 2006. As a retired primary school head teacher I have a strong interest in school improvement and also a realistic approach to the expectations of both staff and pupils. During the past twelve years I have served on all the different committees and am presently a member of the Resources Team, Strategy Team and the Standards working group. In recent years I have seen significant developments in Deal Parochial, particularly in pupil achievement, and was delighted when the last Ofsted inspection judged the school Outstanding in two out of four categories. Apart from school governance, I am a trustee for a local Riding for the Disabled group and a member of the Churches Together in Sandwich committee. In my spare time I enjoy riding my horse, choral singing, gardening and foreign travel.
- Date re appointed: December 2018
- No interests declared.
- Attendance at meetings 2023 - 2024: 72%
Rev Chris Spencer, Church Minister (St Georges)
- Date appointed: September 2019
- No interests declared.
- Attendance at meetings 2023 - 2024: 50 %
Maureen McCutcheon, Clerk to Governors
I moved to Deal in August 2015 from Essex where I had worked in Local Government for many years. I began working for the KCC Clerking Service in January 2016. As well as Clerking for Deal Parochial I also Clerk for three other schools, one in Deal and two in Dover. When I am not carrying out my Clerking responsibilities I am an enthusiastic member of the University of the Third Age.
- Date appointed: September 2016
- Business interests declared: Works as a clerk for 3 other local primary schools.
- Attendance at meetings since Sept 2019: 100%
Rev Monika Cameron, Church Minister (St Leonards)
I was installed on 6th September as Priest in Charge of the Parish of Upper Deal and Great Mongeham and that includes St Nicholas, Sholden. I am passionate about education and caring for anyone who is in any kind of need. therefore I am looking forward to working closely with the school and in partnership with Sholden council as much as possible to help in the flourishing of the community including our natural environment.
I went to Westcott House Theological College in Cambridge and was ordained Deacon on 5 July 2015 in Ely Cathedral and priested on 2 July 2016. I served my curacy in the Parish of St Mary the Virgin Great Shelford, in The Ely Diocese, after which I have served as Vicar of Christ Church Erith in Rochester Diocese.
I attended University firstly in Newcastle- Upon- Tyne and subsequently qualified as a teacher teaching Secondary mathematics and then later qualified and worked as a Civil Litigation Solicitor.
I have a love for our natural world, and I am already feeling very much at home here. I am a widow with three daughters. I also have a dog, a staffie named Pepsi, she is a little daft but adorable, good fun and full of character.
- Date appointed: September 2021
- Business interests declared: n/a
- Attendance at meetings 2023-2024: 72%
Mrs K Benbow , Parent Governor (Vice Chair of Governors)
I joined the governing body in June 2022 and, as a mum of three children at the school, I’d love to help Parochial in any way I can. In my professional life, I work as a Strategy Director at a large TV production company, and would hope my experience in long term planning and people management can make a helpful contribution to the school community. I work with a wide range of teams and personalities, based in different locations and with varying life experiences - with this, I aim to be a collaborative and respectful member of the governing body. Having moved from outside the area during lockdown, we have seen first-hand how hard the whole team at the school works to welcome every family, and I am committed to doing my best to listen to and represent the views of parents and carers so that Parochial can continue to grow as a unique and valued community.
- Date appointed: July 2022
- Business interests declared: n/a
- Attendance at meetings 2023-2024: 100%
Ms J Watson, Staff Governor
I have been a staff governor at Deal Parochial since September 2022. I joined the teaching team at DP in 2016 from another local school after qualifying as a teacher in 2012.
I am currently on the Learning and Development team.
My roles within school include Year 6 teacher, Computing subject lead and Assessment and Curriculum lead. I am also on the Senior Leadership team.
- Date appointed: July 2022
- Business interests declared: n/a
- Attendance at meetings 2023-2024: 100%
Mr. Billy Wilson, Parent Governor
I am so pleased to be a governor at this wonderful school. My two children attend the school and I will always remember being told on an induction event that the school should feel like an extension of our family, and it has certainly achieved that. My children's happiness is the most important thing to me and I know they go to school happy every day and come home even happier because of what Deal Parochial gives to them.
I qualified as a primary school teacher in 2012 and since then have worked in a variety of roles. I have taught across key stage 1 and key stage 2 and for the last eight years I have worked in school leadership. Since 2021, my role has been School Improvement Leader across a multi-academy trust in Dover. I am responsible for providing good teaching and learning across three schools and work strategically with the headteachers to achieve this. This experience will allow me to support Deal Parochial's leadership team in ensuring our children get the best possible start to school life.
- Date appointed:
- Business interests declared:
- Attendance at meetings 2023-2024: n/a
Mrs F Pond Foundation Governor
I am a Foundation Governor, appointed in September 2023.
I have been based in Deal for most of my life, and retired and relocated here fully in 2021 after a career in university libraries in Canterbury, London and Birmingham. I hope that I can bring skills and experience from this work to support parents and staff to give pupils the best start in their educational journeys.
I am on the Resources Team, and will be monitoring history.
Outside the School, I volunteer at Walmer Castle, and enjoy choral singing - and crocheting bees.
- Date appointed:
- Business interests declared: n/a
- Attendance at meetings 2023-2024: n/a
Mrs Julie Murrow
I grew up on Mill Road in Deal and apart from a decade living and working in London, I’ve stayed close by ever since. This is a beautiful little corner of the world and the people are very special.
My career has included Immigration, Prison Service and Magistrates’ Court, Education, and the NHS. I feel humbled and privileged to have encountered so many different people willing to share their life stories with me.
Currently I am the Children’s Music and Drama Leader (among other things) for the Parish of Upper Deal and Great Mongeham. I am also in the process of discernment towards ordained ministry.
I have one child, who lives locally with his girlfriend and their little daughter (and their mice, rabbits, dogs, sheep and pony, yikes). Meanwhile I live in peaceful solitude with my rescue cat Tigerlily and three rescue Skinny Pigs, Abel, Mabel and Moon. My hobbies include reading, writing, studying and playing the piano.
- Date appointed:
- Business interests declared: n/a
- Attendance at meetings 2023-2024: n/a