Kent LTA’s Primary Schools’ Doubles Tennis Finals

On Friday 16th June, there was a very early start for Willow, Charlotte, Zavanna and Poppy, our sponge ball tennis qualifiers, together with 3 of our Y6 tennis leaders, in order to travel to Bromley for the Kent LTA’s Primary Schools’ Doubles Finals.

The morning sponge ball tennis events were played at a phenomenally high standard, and all our players played very well and with great sportsmanship.

By the time the sponge ball tournaments finished, our Y6 green ball tennis qualifiers had arrived at Bromley for their afternoon tournament.  Once again, the tennis was of a very high standard, and Oscar, Dexter, Freddie and Isaac all played very well, with lots of amazing ground strakes, rallies and volleys.  Congratulations to Freddie and Isaac who finished 4th overall; this was a fantastic achievement.

Well done to all our players. You are a credit to our school.

Thank you to our Y6 Tennis Leaders, Ella, Tabby and Oscar, for the great job they all did, scoring sponge ball tennis matches. Also, a massive thank you to all our wonderful parents who helped with transport to and from the Bromley Tennis Centre.