Girl, Set & Match Team Challenge

In the week preceding the half-term holidays, our girl tennis players from Years 4, 5 and 6, took part in this fun tennis event. Each year group bubble separately undertook 6 tennis challenges (3 of which were fitness-based using the ActivAlls, and 3 were skills-based). Their scores were then allocated to the girls’ virtual teams.

All the girls thoroughly enjoyed this team challenge event and enthusiastically supported their classmates throughout all the activities.

The overall team results proved to be very close with the eventual winners being: Angel-Rose (Y6), Molly (Y4), Matilda (Y5) and Phoebe (Y5).  Well done girls.

Also congratulations to Safia (Y6), Isla (Y5) and Molly (Y4), who were the top scorers in their year bubble groups.

And finally, well done to everyone for taking part with such great, sporting spirit – you are all tennis stars!