Deal Parochial Win the Education Award at the Kent LTA Tennis Awards Evening.

Deal Parochial Primary School are delighted to have won the Education Category of the Kent LTA Tennis Awards for 2020. All the County Award winners were announced on Thursday 21st Jan via Zoom. These Tennis Awards were introduced by the LTA in 2015 in order to recognize the extraordinary contribution of many thousands of individuals and their tennis venues to grassroots tennis.
For us, this Award for 2020 recognizes how we have enhanced our in-school tennis offering during the Pandemic whilst we have sadly not been able to use the Deal Indoor Tennis Centre.  This enhanced in-school provision enabled us to maintain tennis participation and enthusiasm from our pupils.  It has involved a varied approach over the course of 2020, ranging from making lockdown tennis videos for remote learning from our school website at the beginning of the Pandemic, to the partial-school return in June when we provided curriculum tennis PE lessons to all KS1&2 bubbles, and pupils and staff participated in a memorable tennis marathon, which raised £1000 for charity.  Following our full-school return in September, our tennis provision included daily (bubble-specific) tennis clubs, teaching fun, engaging science sessions on tennis-related topics such as backspin and momentum, and undertaking a virtual team tennis competition in the upper year bubbles, in addition to our standard curriculum tennis lessons and re-structuring our additional tennis initiative to benefit more pupils.
We are very proud that our inclusive tennis programme continued to thrive in 2020, in spite of COVID-19, and this is thanks to the fantastic dedication and enthusiasm of our pupils and staff, as well as our wider school community.  Well done everyone!