Multicultural Week July 2021

In July the school were excited to see our Story Tent being put up advance of  Multicultural week.  All week the children learned about other faiths that are practised in our community and around the world.  In the story tent they listened to stories from Islam, Hindus, Sikh and Judaism.  Children were able to touch and learn about artefacts belonging to these faiths.  As well as this the children were also invited to share their cultural heritage stories, which were celebrated both in class and also in our Collective Worship.  On the Wednesday every school child was able to experience a traditional Sikh Langar, which usually occurs in the Gurdwara.  The children all tucked into dahl, flat breads and samosas!  They all decided it was delicious – so a big thanks to Mrs K who kindly cooked it all for us.