Tennis News 1Q 2022

We are delighted to report that Deal Parochial recently won the Kent LTA Tennis Award for School of the Year for 2021. This is wonderful recognition of our inclusive tennis programme, which continues to thrive thanks to the dedication and enthusiasm of our children, parents and staff. Well done everyone!


We are also delighted to report that since the beginning of 2022, we have returned to Deal Indoor Tennis Centre (DITC) for some of our curriculum tennis PE lessons. Year 6 enjoyed using this fantastic indoor tennis facility for their PE lessons during term 3, and Year 5 are now relishing their tennis lessons there during this term.

Additionally, our after-school Y6 tennis club is taking place weekly during term 4 on the two newly resurfaced, artificial grass courts at Walmer Tennis Club. Our older players are thrilled to be playing their tennis there.

We are extremely grateful to both DITC and Walmer Tennis Club for their generous offers which are enabling us to play tennis at their fantastic venues. Thank you very much.