The Bromley Finals. – Another Great Day of Tennis.

Our 2 sponge ball tennis qualifiers and our 4 tennis leaders had a very early start on Friday 17th June.  We all met at Warden House for 7am to travel with them in their minibus up to Bromley for the Kent LTA Primary Schools’ Doubles Finals.
The sponge ball tennis events were played at a phenomenally high standard, and our players, Jasper and Casper, played brilliantly, reaching the consolation final, which they narrowly lost 10-9.
By the time the sponge ball tournaments finished, our Y6 green ball tennis qualifiers had arrived at Bromley for their afternoon tournaments.  Thankfully, these (like the sponge ball tennis tournaments) were played inside, which was a blessing considering the 30+ degree C heat outside.  Once again, the tennis was of a very high standard, and I was very proud of how all our players played.  Congratulations to Liam and Jamie who finished 3rd overall in their tournament.  This was an amazing achievement and our school’s best ever result in the County Green Ball Tennis Finals.
Well done to all our players. You are a credit to our school.
Also well done and thank you to our Tennis Leaders, Liam, Luca, Naomi and Artie, for the great job they all did, scoring numerous sponge ball tennis matches.
Additionally, a massive thank you to Liam’s Parents, Isla’s Mum and Mr Hackett, Head Teacher at Warden House, for driving everyone to and from Bromley.