Deal Parochial C of E (Aided) Primary School

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Our aim at Deal Parochial is to provide a fun, creative and inspiring Art curriculum that allows them to express themselves whilst developing a love and open mind for a range of artistic styles. We encourage them to view Art as an ongoing journey, celebrating every mark and knowing there are no mistakes. We hope that our children leave Deal Parochial as confident and enthusiastic artists who choose to engage in a life-long appreciation for the Arts.

Teachers use and adapt planning from Access Arts to provide high-quality lessons covering a range of different artists. They also provided with opportunities outside of the planned Art curriculum to ensure that children are able to creatively respond to Art and Design tasks such as local or national projects or topical issues.


In Art and Design, our school aims:

  • To enable all children to have access to a varied range of high-quality art experiences.
  • To provide an imaginative, innovative and co-ordinated art programme which will foster enthusiasm for art and design amongst all the children.
  • To foster an enjoyment and appreciation of the visual arts and a knowledge of artists, craftspeople and designers, through links with the local and wider multicultural community.
  • To stimulate children’s creativity and imagination by providing visual, tactile, and sensory experience.
  • To help children explore the world first-hand, using all their senses and experimentation, and so gain knowledge and understanding of the world in which they live.
  • To develop children’s understanding of colour, form, texture, pattern and their ability to use materials and processes to communicate ideas, feelings and meanings.
  • To inspire confidence, value, and pleasure in Art.
  • To cultivate children’s aesthetic awareness and enable them to make informed judgements about Art and become actively involved in shaping environments.
  • To teach children to express their own ideas, feelings, thoughts and experiences.
  • To develop children’s design capability.
  • To encourage children to evaluate and review their own work and that of others.
  • To enhance children’s ability to value the contribution made be artists, craft workers



We will do this by:

  •  Aiming to cover skills from all six Art areas shown on our Planning document whilst providing ongoing opportunities for pupils to develop their own ideas through regular sketchbook use.
  • Using our teaching sequence for Art to plan a sequence of lessons each term. The lessons will provide all pupils with opportunities to learn about a key artist/technique.
  • Children will have their own sketchbook which travels with them to the next year group. These will be used by teachers to measure previous learning.
  • Encourage pupils to reflect on their own and others’ artwork, identifying how they have applied knowledge and understanding of taught skills and key artistic techniques to produce original artwork.
  • Ensure key vocabulary is planned for, taught, and used explicitly in lessons as well as being recorded as notes by the children in their sketchbooks. Where appropriate key vocabulary is used on displays.
  • Where possible, plan trips and opportunities for visiting experts who will enhance the learning experience and promote Art as a lifelong journey.
  • Display and celebrate the pupils’ artwork in their class.
  • Provide opportunities to enter external Art competitions. (Natre spiritual Arts and Royal Academy Young Artists etc)
  • Allowing flexible teaching which reflects current teaching topics or local/national events.


The result of this is:

  •  Our Art Curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression.
  • Our children will grow in confidence, knowledge and skills as they progress through the school, embracing the intention that there are ‘no mistakes’.
  • All children will be able to use their sketchbook to discuss their personal reflections about a range of artists, styles and skills using key vocabulary.
  • They will be able to explain and show their progress within specific years and throughout their time at Deal Parochial.

If children are demonstrating the key skills and knowledge, they are deemed to be making good or better progress. In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods: 

  • A reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes.
  • Pupil discussions about their learning, which includes discussion of their thoughts, exploration of skills, any final outcome and evaluations of work.


 Art and Design Curriculum Overview

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