Deal Parochial C of E (Aided) Primary School

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Church Distinctiveness

Prayer at Deal Parochial

Spirituality at Deal Parochial

At Deal Parochial School we aim to be distinctive in our Christian character by living out our school values and Bible verse daily.  Collective worship is a key part of our school day, setting the tone for behaviour and ethos of our school family.  We have strong links with all 3 of our Foundation churches which we uses on regular occasions, from R.E lessons, class collective worship to mark key dates in the key dates in the Christian calendar.  


Each year, Year 2 leads our Nativity service at St George’s Church in Deal. The Christmas story is told by a cast including a host of familiar characters and some dancing animals. Year 1 and Year R always support the Nativity singing with great enthusiasm.  The Recorder Club and the School Choir also perform at the festivities.

Christingle Service

Each year, Year 3 leads the Christingle Service at school on the final day of term before Christmas. Year 3 write their own collective worship service and light homemade Christingles.

Our Harvest Celebrations

Children enjoy taking part in our annual harvest-themed art day, as well as celebrating Harvest Festival at St Leonard’s Church in Deal.

Spirituality of Christmas

Excitement – Hope – New Beginnings – Joy – Peace – Love   (click here to view more in our gallery)

God Being With Us Through Our Emotions

Understanding that God is there for us, no matter how we are feeling.

Our Easter Crosses

As part of our Annual Easter Celebrations, in 2019, Makayla (Y2) inspired us to make our Easter Crosses from recycled rubbish. Everything used to make her cross was found on the beach between Deal Pier and the Lifeboat Station; she really enjoyed collecting the rubbish as it helped ‘Make our lovely beach look good’ and ‘It will also help prevent marine life and other animals from getting hurt’.

Prayer Days  

Every year we have a Whole School Prayer Day.  This year Prayer Stations were set up in the courtyard and allowed our children to reflect on current world issues, as well as being good global neighbours.