Deal Parochial C of E (Aided) Primary School

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Our aim at Deal Parochial in the Early Years Foundation Stage is to provide a happy, safe and inclusive learning environment.  We aim for all children to achieve their full potential by providing a rich and diverse learning environment, focused on developing from the child’s starting point and interests.

We aim to build resilient, happy and confident learners who take risks in their learning.

In EYFS children will investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’; active learning – children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy their achievements for their own sake; creating and thinking critically – children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.


At Deal Parochial we aim to:


  • Provide first hand experiences developing a love of learning.
  • Provide an enabling environment to develop the children’s independence allowing them to be at the forefront of their own learning.
  • Build upon children’s existing experiences, and prior learning, to ensure all children succeed. Identify next steps and provide support when needed.
  • Work in partnership with parents, carers and other settings to provide the best possible start.
  • Plan from children’s interests to ensure meaningful and purposeful learning
  • Provide a sense of wellbeing and ability to self-regulate.



To achieve these aims we at Parochial will:

  • Plan explicit, and engaging, activities building upon interests and knowledge.
  • Provide effective and focused intervention to ensure all children achieve.
  • Assess all children’s language through Wellcomm, implementing the prescribed intervention programme when necessary.
  • Play based and experimental learning environment building upon their interests.
  • Weekly enhancement to the environment.
  • Promote and support children’s emotional development, enabling children to take risks in their learning to become resilient learners.
  • Use Colour Monsters to help children understand their emotions
  • Assess phonics using Little Wandle, provide reading books matching their level and identifying area of progression.
  • Teach literacy skills through Pie Corbett in line with the rest of the school.


The impact of the aims:

  • EYFS curriculum is reflected in having well rounded, happy and confident children transitioning into Year 1.
  • Children who take risks and have become resilient learners.
  • Learning journals that reflect starting points, progression of each child and celebrates successes.
  • External and internal moderation.
  • Ongoing assessment identifying any children needing support and appropriate strategies implemented.



Long Term Planning EYFS

Prime areas


Children will be taught to understand their own feelings, to self-regulate, to consider the needs and feelings of others. Children will be encouraged to develop their independence, make choices, learn right from wrong, understand and follow rules.  We will encourage children to play cooperatively, forming positive relationships with both adults and their peers.

Communication and language

The curriculum will help children to develop their listening and attention skills, which in turn will help develop their language and communication skills.  Modelling and support from adults within small groups, 1:1 and class discussion will help children to express their ideas and feelings about their experiences using full sentences including, past, present and future tenses.

Physical Development

In this area of development children will be supported and encouraged to negotiate space and obstacles with control and coordination in a variety of ways such as running, walking, jumping, hopping and climbing safely with the consideration of others.  Fine motor skills will be taught and supported in their development with a wide range of toys and equipment.

Specific Areas


The curriculum will help build a love and interest of reading by sharing books, retelling, and adapting, stories through the use of a Pie Corbett approach. Phonics will follow the Letters and Sound programme supported by Phonics Play and singing rhymes. Reading books will build upon and develop their phonic knowledge, which will be assessed using Phonic Tracker. Children and will have opportunities to write for purpose in all areas of the curriculum, encouraging a love for writing.


Children will use a variety of manipulates to help them to understand and deepen their knowledge and understanding of number composition, substitution of number, number patterns and number bonds. Vocabulary will be shared and explicitly taught with resources to ensure deeper understanding.

Understanding of the World

Children will be given the opportunity to talk about their lives, sharing, and celebrating, differences and similarities. Cultural differences will be explored through the celebration of key festivals, the sharing of stories and through the learning environment.  We will learn and observe changes in the natural environment/world throughout the year.

Expressive Arts and Design

Children will have regular opportunities to experiment with a variety of materials, tools and techniques using colour, design and texture.  They will be encouraged to discuss their designs explaining the process they have used.  The children will build upon their repertoire of songs, developing and sharing their musical knowledge

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