Deal Parochial C of E (Aided) Primary School

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Our aim at Deal Parochial in Physical Education is to educate students through physical activities. We aim to develop students’ physical competence and knowledge of movement and safety, and their ability to use these to perform in a wide range of activities associated with the development of an active and healthy lifestyle. 

We aim to develop a love and lifelong passion for all children in physical education.


At Deal Parochial our intent is to ensure that the progression of skills, and knowledge, is accessible and engaging for all children. We build upon their physical literacy as well as their mental health and wellbeing.

  • To develop confidence in physical abilities, skills acquisition and sporting knowledge.
  • To allow children to establish strong mental, emotional and social well -being.
  • To teach all children from Reception to Year 6, the skills to progress within sport and physical activity.
  • PE lessons to embed all of the lifelong cooperative skills needed in a team - communication, leadership and fair play.
  • For teachers to develop, and increase, resilience dedication, determination and confidence within children to succeed.
  • Learning is differentiated to suit the needs of all children, PE and sport is inclusive for all
  • Children to develop and build upon their previous skills and knowledge.
  • Children develop an interest and enthusiasm towards a range of sport and events.



Teachers use the ‘Green Acre’ planning documents to support them in their teaching and learning.

  • Children are assessed throughout the year, ensuring progression of skills.
  • Sports Premium Funding is used to increase physical competency of staff and children.
  • Regular action plans, governor reports and pupil voice continue to monitor, and improve, Physical Education.
  • We offer extra-curricular clubs allowing children to improve and build upon this skills and knowledge.
  • We use Jigsaw PSHE planning to help promote the knowledge and understanding of healthy living and lifestyles.
  • Subject vocabulary is pre-taught, learnt and reinforced each lesson as well as being built upon each year.
  • Children are given wider opportunities to build character and embed values through regular teamwork actives, competitive sports and Sports Day.
  • Swimming and water safety are taught throughout KS2
  • The PE curriculum ensures opportunities for children to use the local sporting facilities, especially the Deal Indoor Tennis Centre, parks and swimming pool. And to engage in local and national sporting events and competitions.


The result of this is …..

  • Children understand how to lead a healthy lifestyle, learning about the importance of healthy mind and body.
  • Children become more active and understand the impact physical activity has on their bodies.
  • Children become proud of their achievements. The curriculum is progressive allowing children to develop fundamental skills and apply them in a variety of sports and activities. Children enjoy PE, develop a love of sport and physical activity.
  • Children develop and progress in their knowledge and physical skills.
  • Children develop a wider range of subject specific vocabulary.
  • Children develop pride for our school and continue to compete in sport competitively.
  • Children learn to importance of working together and build on their team building skills.
  • We aim for all children to be able to swim at least 25 metres
  • Children and families know about the community sports facilities and are familiar in using them

 Long Term Plan 

(subject to change)

