Deal Parochial C of E (Aided) Primary School

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The governing body at Deal Parochial C of E School oversees the strategic direction of the school. It is made up of a wide range of individuals with many different skills and experiences.

The Governors are like a Board of Directors and make decisions about how the school will be run. They meet regularly throughout the year; there are also sub committees that take responsibility for finance and resources, learning and development and strategy. The governing body is responsible for a number of areas including: overall standards within the school; ensuring the school meets its statutory duties; safeguarding measures; the Christian ethos; the strategic direction of the school and the successful implementation of the school improvement plan and priorities.

Governors are appointed to help: 1. Decide what is taught. 2. Set standards of behaviour. 3. Interview and select staff. 4. Decide how the school budget is spent. School Governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities. They make their decisions together; they cannot act individually.

School Governors are: 1. The Headteacher (x1) 2. Parents – Non-foundation and foundation (x1) 2. Teachers or Support Staff at the school (x2) 3. LA representative (x1) 4. Church representatives (x3) 5. Diocesan Board of Education representative (x3) 6. An incumbent church Minister (x1). Parent Governors: 1. Have a child in school at the time of their appointment 2. Are elected by parents of the school 3. Serve for four years .

Minutes from Governing Body meetings are available as a paper copy from the school office on request.

Governor Attendance 2021-2022