Deal Parochial C of E (Aided) Primary School

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At Deal Parochial school, we teach our pupils to be inquisitive, critical thinkers who make connections between local and international History. Pupils will be taught key words related to the historic topic they are learning about, they will also use and question evidence to understand how people’s lives have shaped the nation and wider world, influencing the changes that they see today


In History, our school aims:

  • To provide pupils with the knowledge to make sense of the past as well as the present.
  • Teach pupils some knowledge and understanding of the historical development in their locality and the wider world. Helping children to understand society and their place within it, so that they develop a sense of their cultural heritage.
  • Teach a logical, broad and balanced curriculum to include personal history, British history, ancient civilisations and topics covering continuity and change.
  • Pupils can discuss and reflect on key events in history, critical dates and significant time-periods.
  • Pupils develop a wide range of critical thinking skills to enable them to distinguish between fact and judgements about the past.



We will do this by:

  • We use a comprehensive programme of study adapted from Collins Connected History. Every year group has planned history units that develops acquisition of knowledge and skills that deepens over the course of the primary curriculum.
  • Curriculum is ‘knowledge rich’, not ‘content heavy’ to allow pupils to master and apply critical thinking skills, specialised vocabulary and a grasp of subject concepts.
  • Interactive and practical opportunities for children to work independently, in pairs or groups, both inside and outside the classroom (including the local area).
  • Pupils provided with historical evidence including narratives, paintings, photographs, artefacts, data (censuses) to analyse and reach conclusions / make judgements.



The result of this is:

  • Teachers have clear objectives and outcomes for pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills acquisition, so that pupils have a good knowledge of how history has influenced the wider world of today.
  •  Assessment draws upon a wide range of historical Knowledge.
  • Pupils actively engaged in their learning with a clear concept of historical periods, their chronology and how they impact upon their previous knowledge.


Children can recall KFC (Knowledge Fact Check) so that they can confidently discuss key knowledge for each period of History studied.


History Curriculum Overview

Golden Threads

