Deal Parochial C of E (Aided) Primary School

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School Uniform

Please visit ‘Quick Uniforms’ to order any school uniform.

School Uniform

** All items of clothing must be labelled so that lost items can be returned to their owners **

School Uniform

Deal Parochial C of E Primary School supports equality as set out in the Human Rights Act 1998, Gender Recognition Act 2004 and the Equality Act 2010.

Pupils are treated equally, regardless of sex , race ,disability ,religion or belief, sexual orientation , gender reassignment (also known as transgender), pregnancy or maternity. Pupils may choose to wear the school uniform of the gender to which they identify.

Any item of school uniform can be pre-ordered on line from or more specifically for Parochial Uniform at:

Pupils should wear a school jumper or cardigan with the school logo, available online at ‘School Trends’.

Pupils should wear a white polo shirt. Polo shirts with the school logo are available online at ‘School Trends’.

Pupils can wear either:

  •  a knee-length grey skirts or pinafore dress
  •  grey trousers.

Pupils should wear sensible black, low heeled shoes.

Boots may be worn in bad weather. Trainers are not allowed, unless for genuine medical reasons where parents can produce evidence.

Pupils should wear:

  •  grey or dark green tights
  • white or grey socks.

Summer Uniform

During the summer, pupils may choose to wear:

  •  a green gingham summer dresses.
  • knee-length grey shorts
  • sandals

Hair should be neat and tidy and long hair should be tied back for health and safety reasons and to prevent the spread of head lice. Hair accessories should be green, brown or black.

Coats should be plain and smart and preferably waterproof with a hood.

School fleeces are also available.

Baseball, legionnaire and knitted hats are available from the uniform stall – branded caps are not allowed.

Not to be worn

  • Jewellery (except sensible wrist watches)
  •  Fancy earrings (only small silver or gold studs allowed which must be removed or covered with tape for PE
  •  Sweat bands or other wrist bands
  • Trainers (except for outdoor PE or medical reasons)
  • Branded baseball caps
  • No large, fancy hair accessories

For our full uniform policy, please see the School Prospectous.