Year 3 Trip to Dover Museum.
Jupiter class excitedly boarded the train at Deal station on a very soggy Thursday morning and walked from Dover station to Dover Museum for our History trip. We were looking forward to enhancing our learning about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. Once there and dried off we met Diana (the archaeologist who works for the museum), who took us into the old cinema for our first workshop: Artefact Investigating. In our groups we were given artefacts to wonder about. The children really impressed us all with their knowledge, informed ideas and excitement! We held flint tools that were approximately 500,000 years old, fragments of loom weights, a skirt and iron and bronze tools. Afterwards, it was time for our Bronze Age boat making. The class were shown in stages how to construct a boat out of clay and then they made items to go in the boat- items that would have been traded in Bronze Age times: cloth, crops and pots. They had a great time and all the boats looked great! After lunch we went up to the top floor of the museum to see the incredibly impressive Bronze Age Boat- at 3500 years old it is the oldest of its kind…in the world. Again, the class were fabulous- excellent listening to the archaeologist who told us all about the boat and then great questions were asked. We had time to watch a short film about it in the cinema room and then explored the museum in our groups before walking back to the station to catch the train home. The class were fantastic and a real credit to the school, with their enthusiasm and manners being impeccable.