Breakfast Club

Deal Parochial CEP Breakfast Club

We are pleased to confirm that we offer a Breakfast Club for our families. It operates in the school hall from 8:00 – 8:30, children will then be escorted to their classroom. It is facilitated by Jude Holmes and Kath Best.

We ask that once registered, all sessions are booked at least 24hrs in advance by by booking via the school money app .To ensure the health and safety of all children and staff, it is necessary to set up according to who is booked in for each session. This includes equipment, breakfast provision and adequate staffing levels based on the numbers expected. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Parents are asked not to enter the school hall. If you have any messages for staff, please hand in a note or email through to the school.

Children will choose their breakfast from the selection provided before choosing their play activities. Unless told otherwise, we will assume your child has not eaten prior to arrival, so please inform breakfast club staff if they have done so to prevent upset. We will do our best to engage the children and ensure they are happy and safe.


The menu for Breakfast Club is cereal and / or toast with a selection of toppings. There will also be fresh fruit. In colder weather, we also serve porridge. There is always juice, water and milk available.

A copy of our Food Policies are available on the school website. 

Due to guidelines set out by the Food Standards Agency, we kindly request that you do not send your children in with food or drinks of their own.

Special dietary and/or medical needs should be discussed directly with Jude Holmes.

Club Fees:

All payments are now cashless.

The charge is £2.60 per session, per child.

We ask that all payments be made in advance – for a minimum of weekly attendance or for a larger block of sessions. 

We are signed up to the School Money system to manage registers and payments. It is therefore essential that you are registered and we hold your current contact details. This enables you to check your current balance, regardless which format you use for payments, and also to make direct payments to your account.

We are signed up to the government tax-free childcare scheme. If eligible, you can claim up to £500 every 3 months for each child attending, to help with childcare costs. If you choose to pay by this method, please ensure you also reference your payment. Further information can be found at

We also accept other childcare vouchers including Edenred and Computershare and these should be paid into the DEALT account with an appropriate reference. Please ask about this option if you are unsure. We kindly request that if paying by this method, a minimum payment of £10 is made.

Where payment has gone into arrears, it may be necessary to ask you not to send your child/children until the overdue amount has been paid.

What do I do if I want my child or children to attend the club?

If you would like your child/children to start using Breakfast Club, please complete the attached registration form and return it to school prior to your child’s first session. This information is only kept for one academic year. Once registered, you can use the club whenever you need it throughout that year, we just ask that you email to pre book the sessions. Any child from Year R to Year 6 can attend.

Please update us as soon as possible if there are any changes to the information you have provided e.g. contact numbers or health.

Terms and Conditions:

 At Deal Parochial CEP Breakfast Club we believe in creating a secure and positive environment for our children, actively encouraging and fostering independence.

We strongly promote the school’s Christian Values of kindness, trust, friendship, respect, courage and forgiveness and feel this is evident in our daily practice. Our aim is to give the children a great start to their morning, allowing them to feel ready to face the busy day ahead.

Club Fees:

Fees are payable, in advance, to secure your child’s place. If an account goes into arrears, your child may not be able to attend until the balance is cleared. 24hrs notice will be given of this decision, to enable you to find alternative provision.

Attendance and Absence:

You can book for regular days via the registration form, if you know these in advance. These sessions can be updated as necessary. Ad hoc bookings will only be accepted if made by email.

All children should attend their booked sessions, continued missed sessions may result in the place being cancelled. 24hrs notice should be given in advance of absence for holidays, appointments etc., and by 7.30am if your child is unwell.

Sessions booked but not attended must still be paid for, unless the above notice of absence has been given.

Cancellation of Place:

If at any time you decide that you no longer wish to retain your child’s place at Breakfast Club, we need to be informed as soon as possible.

Unforeseen Closure:

In the event of closure due to extreme weather conditions, loss of utility supplies, heating failure or any other causes beyond our control, we will contact you before 8am.

Sickness or Emergency Treatment:

Children must not attend the club if unwell or suffering from a contagious illness or infection. In the event of a child becoming unwell during a session, the parent or nominated emergency contact will be telephoned to arrange for their child to be collected. Recommended exclusion times must be adhered to, in the case of an infectious illness, before your child can return to the club. If your child needs medication to be administered during the school day, we ask that you complete the relevant permission form on arrival.

If you have any questions or queries, which are not addressed in the further information on the website, please contact:

Kind regards,

Breakfast Club Leader