3 Football Matches in 2 Days!

Lots of football happened at Deal Parochial last week.
On Monday, both our boys’ and girls’ teams played their league matches verses Sandown. The boys had a tough start to their match conceding a goal in the first minute. However, they worked hard as a team and showed great resilience. Towards the end of the match, Sandown scored a second to win 2-0, but our boys should be very proud of their performance.
The girls won their match against Sandown, 2-1. As the score suggests, it was a very tight match. Like the boys, the girls worked very hard and showed great resilience as the play went end to end. Special mention must go to Zavanna who made a great block in defence towards the end of the game; the powerful shot from Sandown was goal bound and the block was crucial to us winning the game.
Our girls’ team then played again on Tuesday – this time it was their league game against Sholden. This proved another tight game with lots of good football from both sides. Eventually our team won 4-2, meaning we have 4 out of 4 wins so far in the league this year.
Well done to all our players who showed fantastic commitment and work rate throughout. Special mentions must go to Daisy-Mai who played very well in her first football match for school, and to Emilie who played in goal for the first time for us and looked completely at home between the sticks, putting in an accomplished goal keeping performance which included a fantastic save.
As always, many thanks to all the families and friends who came and supported us on both days.