Family Cup Tennis Tournaments in After-School Tennis.

In week commencing 18th October, there was a great hubbub of after-school tennis activity as we ran an LTA Family Cup Team Challenge event in each of our three after-school tennis clubs.
Parents, grandparents, uncles and siblings, teamed up with our tennis club players in these fun festivals of tennis.  There were lots of tennis matches in the Y5/6 and Y3/4 tournaments, and children and adults alike had great fun challenging each other on our ActivAlls.  Meanwhile, in the KS1 Family Cup, children and their family members competed against each other in a series of fun tennis skills and games.
The events proved to be a fantastic success with 81 participants across the 3 Family Cups. Well done to everyone (children and adults) who took part. Also, congratulations to:
Y5/6 winners: Liam and his Dad, with runners-up: Amelia and Daniel.
Y3/4 winners: Casper and his Mum, with runners-up: Leon-Lee and his Dad.  
KS1 winners: Molly and her Mum, with runners-up: Sophie, Henry and Jaydan, together with their respective family members.