Results for the British Hovercraft Company’s Logo Competition

Following our Hovercraft STEM Project in March 2022 (see, the British Hovercraft Company (BHC) kindly offered our pupils the chance to design a new logo to be used on their Beast Hovercraft.  They requested that designs included a British element since they build all their hovercrafts here in Britain.

Seven children from Y6 and one child from Y3 produced some fantastic, imaginative designs, all of which the judges at BHC were very impressed by.

Last Thursday, during our Art Celebration Assembly, we presented all eight of our artists with Top Effort Awards before announcing Hugo in Y6 as the winner and unveiling his winning design that will be used on the Beast Hovercraft.

Many Congratulations to Hugo and to all our other fantastic artists.

Also, thank you to the BHC for giving our pupils the chance to design their new logo for their Beast Hovercraft.