Strawberry Slam 2022

On 13th July, we held our Annual Strawberry Slam. We used this whole school event to celebrate us receiving the National LTA Tennis Award for ‘School of the Year’. We were delighted to welcome guests from Kent LTA and the Deal Indoor Tennis Centre, as well as some of our Governors, to join in the fun.

Lots of children completed against staff and guests in tennis themed races and then in matches.  Everyone also enjoyed strawberries prior to the presentation of our Top Effort Tennis Medals and our Annual School Tennis Awards.

Mary Evans, Deputy President of Kent LTA, kindly presented the Top Effort and Tennis Awards Medals on our behalf. The medals were given for effort, commitment, sportsmanship, improvement, outstanding performances, as well as Doubles Teams of the Year and Player of the Year.

Here are some of our medal winners:

Our Year R Top Effort Medal recipients, running to collect their medals!
Top Effort Medal recipients from Year 2.
Our Outstanding Commitment Tennis Award Winners.
Tennis Award Winners for Outstanding Performances.
Our Double Teams of the Year, representing Y3 for sponge ball tennis and Y6 for green ball tennis.
Our Player of the Year for 2021 / 2022 – she excelled as a Tennis Leader, as well as winning the School’s ‘Play Your Way to Wimbledon’ Competition for the girls and reaching the Kent LTA’s Primary Schools’ Doubles Tennis Finals at Bromley.

The Strawberry Slam was a fantastic success, with the children winning the overall tournament by 1 point!

Well done, everyone!