Sports, Science and Music Awards.

Having presented our Annual School Tennis Awards at our Strawberry Slam event in mid-July, we celebrated more of our sporting stars, as well as science and music stars, in the final week of term.

Annual School Sports Awards were presented for both football and cricket, celebrating sportsmanship, improvement, commitment and Players of the Year for 2021 / 2022.  Medals were also presented in recognition of our boys’ football team winning their league, our girls’ football team being runners-up in their league (having remained unbeaten and not having conceded a goal), and of our inclusive football team’s fantastic performances earlier in the year.

We presented Top Effort Science Awards to all the members of our afterschool science clubs for years 3, 5 and 6. Each club was shortlisted for its respective project in the Big STEM Challenge which ran across Kent; this was an amazing achievement by all our enthusiastic Young Scientists.

Our Y3 Science Club Members; they investigated whether tennis balls bounce differently in winter and summer.
Our Y6 Eco Science Club Members; they made and tested beeswax food wraps as an alternative to cling film.
Some of our Y5 Eco Club Members; they were the overall winners of the Big STEM Challenge with their bioplastic bag made of gelatine.

School Music Awards were also presented. Children were celebrated for their commitment and improvement in choir and recorders respectively, as well as awards being given for ‘Musician of the Year’ and ‘Singer of the Year’.

Our Music Award recipients from Y6.
Some of our Music Award recipients from Y3 and Y5.

Well done to all our Awards Winners. You are all superstars!