Dover Schools Games, 2024 – Tennis Events

Marke Wood Tennis Hub delivered 3 lots of tennis events last term for the Dover Schools Games.
The first was the Orange Ball Tennis Team Tournament for Years 5 and 6.  Seven local primary schools took part with Deal Parochial entering two teams.  Both our teams played really well with our A team finishing as Runners-Up and our B team reaching the Consolation Final.
The second event was the Red Ball Tennis Team Tournament for Years 3 and 4.  Once again, there were seven local primary schools taking part. Our Deal Parochial team put in some fine performances, winning some matches, but unfortunately narrowly missed out on a semi-final place.
The third event was the KS1 Tennis Skills Festivals. – Year 1 and 2 children from five local primary schools thoroughly enjoyed trying out different tennis activities before joining together to play ‘Jailbreak’ across two courts.  Great fun was had by all, including our Deal Parochial pupils!