
Science Club

With Tennis Balls in the Freezer, it must mean that Science Club has started again!Last week saw after-school science club recommence.  This term there are bubble club sessions for both Continue reading

Sandcastle STEM Workshops

A hub bub of excitement permeated through the school as our Sandcastle STEM workshop was delivered to one class bubble at a time, during w/c 9th November.The children became totally Continue reading

Girl, Set & Match Team Challenge

In the week preceding the half-term holidays, our girl tennis players from Years 4, 5 and 6, took part in this fun tennis event. Each year group bubble separately undertook Continue reading

Bishop Rose Visit

The pupils and staff were all thrilled to welcomed Bishop Rose to our school on Monday, 5th October.  On arrival Bishop Rose was given a guided tour.  After this all Continue reading

Goodbyes and Thanks

On Wednesday, 22nd July the whole school got together to celebrate the end of term and to say a few goodbyes to members of staff moving onto new schools and Continue reading

Soda Geyser Science

Following on from Mrs Hodgson’s fantastic science lesson this week, we decided to give  the soda geysers a try – they worked a treat and we all enjoyed watching them Continue reading

Sports Award

DEAL PAROCHIAL’S SPORTS AWARDS FOR 2019 / 2020.   Although we couldn’t have a sports awards assembly this year, we still wanted to celebrate the fantastic sporting endeavours of our Continue reading