British Science Week

British Science Week at Deal Parochial.
Children were welcomed back to school on 8th March with lots of science activities planned for British Science Week.
Considering topics from the National Farmers Union’s ‘Farmvention’ website, Mrs Hodgson had made videos especially for Deal Parochial on ‘Carbon Dioxide and Climate Science’, ‘Solar Energy’, ‘Windpower’ and ‘Polytunnels’. These were shown in our class bubbles. KS2 children then had a chance to perform a carbon dioxide experiment and had great fun investigating windpower.  Meanwhile, KS1 children have undertaken a longer-term project of growing cress and radishes in polytunnels made with plastics that let differing amounts of light through into the growing space.
Using their learnings from British Science Week, we hope that some children will now take part in the NFU’s Farmvention Challenge of creating ‘an invention, innovation or idea to help British Farmers continue to care for the environment and become Climate Super Heros’.