Big STEM Challenge 2022 – Update

All 3 of our after-school science clubs undertook projects for the Big STEM Challenge 2022, a county-wide competition for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. (- For our blog containing our video entries, please click here).

We are delighted to report that all 3 of our Big STEM Challenge entries were shortlisted for the Primary Schools’ Finals. These Finals were held as a science fair at Discovery Park in Sandwich on Friday 8th July.

We took eleven children to represent their respective science clubs. Each club was given a science fair table to show their project to the judges.  

The Y3 Science Club project investigated whether tennis balls bounce differently in winter and summer.
The Y5 Eco Science Club demonstrated the science behind their bioplastic bag project.
Y6 Eco Science Club showed their reusable beeswax food wrap samples; their project demonstrated these wraps as being a viable alternative to single-use cling film.

The judges were very impressed with all our entries, and we were additionally thrilled when our Y5 Eco Science Club was announced as the overall winner. They won a £300 prize, which we intend to put towards an extracurricular STEM project next year.

Well done to all our after-school club members. What an achievement for all 3 of our projects to be shortlisted and congratulations to the Y5 Eco Science Club for being the overall Big STEM Challenge winners!

Many thanks to Jamie’s Mum, Ella and Harry’s Dad and Imogen’s Mum for their support and their assistance with transport to and from Discovery Park.