Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Mrs Fox
Mrs Fox (SENCO)




When a pupil is identified as having a SEN they will be entered onto our SEN Register, this ensures their additional provision can be monitored and reviewed regularly. Along with monitoring provision and tracking pupils progress, we support Class Teachers to ensure that strategies are in place to enable these pupils to progress and reach their full potential.  Sometimes it is necessary to involve specialist help in either identifying or supporting pupils, whose need, despite the consistent and thorough support offered by the school, continue to make little or no progress over a sustained period of time.  


Ms Bugden (Nurture Lead)

We liaise with outside agencies and talk about children’s learning needs and how we can best support pupils in school.  Support could be either by introducing effective teaching approaches specific to the level and area of identified need, appropriate equipment, strategies and interventions.  Throughout all of these processes we work with and support parents of pupils with SEN, to ensure that they are aware of targeted provisions and support offered by the school, the work of external agencies involved with their child, and where necessary deciding on the next steps that we will take together, to ensure that their child makes great progress.

Nurture and Wellbeing

KCC strategy for meeting the needs for young People 2021

Special Educational Needs Policy 2023

Special Educational Needs Governors Report 2022-2023

Single Equality and Accessibility Plan 2023


Mel Fox, full-time SENCo – Inclusion manager

We work as a team to best support all children in our school and their individual needs.

Please feel free to make contact with any concerns: Senco@deal-parochial.kent.sch.uk

Each class has a teacher and teaching assistant. Some may also have learning support assistants with a child that needs a more focused level of provision and intervention to meet their needs.

Another source of support for families impacted by SEND is the Local Offer


SEND report to Governors – October 2022


SEND areas of need:

Cognition and Learning

Communication and Interaction

Social Emotional and Mental Health

Sensory and/or Physical Needs

SEND levels of support at school

School support: area of need being supported by Quality First Teaching, meeting the Mainstream Core Standards www.kelsi.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/117256/Special-educational-needs-mainstream-core-standards.pdf

SEN support: areas of need that require more than the above and possibly outside agency involvement

EHCP – Education Health Care Plan: statutory assessment by the local authority has taken place to ensure specific level of provision

Outside agencies we regularly work with:

Early help

Social services

STLS – Specialist Teaching and Learning Service

Speech and language therapist

Play therapist


School nurse

Occupational therapist

Educational psychologist

NELFT – Emotional wellbeing team

Kent PACT (Parents and Carers Together)  https://www.kent.gov.uk/education-and-children/special-educational-needs/listening-to-your-voice-and-taking-action/kent-pact

Virtual schools

Strategies and provision provided regularly

Quality First Teaching

Mainstream Core Standards

Curriculum interventions such as:

Little Wandle – phonics

Reading, writing, maths catch up groups

Reading Recovery

Building Reading Stamina


Junior Language Link (KS2)


Pre-teach learning

Revisit learning

Fizzy – gross motor skills

Cleverhands – fine motor skills


Touch typing

Clicker 7

Social skills

Lego therapy

Boxall profile – Nurture UK

Nurture time

Time to talk

Draw and talk

Colour monsters (EYFS, KS1)

Zones of regulation (KS2)

Horse riding

Mini Police cadets

Listening skills

TRG mentors – Transferring Lives for Good



Mel Fox, full-time SENCo – Inclusion manager

We work as a team to best support all children in our school and their individual needs.

Please feel free to make contact with any concerns: Senco@deal-parochial.kent.sch.uk

Each class has a teacher and teaching assistant. Some may also have learning support assistants with a child that needs a more focused level of provision and intervention to meet their needs.

Another source of support for families impacted by SEND is the Local Offer


SEND areas of need:

Cognition and Learning

Communication and Interaction

Social Emotional and Mental Health

Sensory and/or Physical Needs

SEND levels of support at school

School support: area of need being supported by Quality First Teaching, meeting the Mainstream Core Standards www.kelsi.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/117256/Special-educational-needs-mainstream-core-standards.pdf

SEN support: areas of need that require more than the above and possibly outside agency involvement

EHCP – Education Health Care Plan: statutory assessment by the local authority has taken place to ensure specific level of provision

Outside agencies we regularly work with:

Early help /  Social services / STLS – Specialist Teaching and Learning Service / Speech and language therapist / Play therapist / Counsellor / School nurse / Occupational therapist / Educational psychologist

NELFT – Emotional wellbeing team

Kent PACT (Parents and Carers Together)  https://www.kent.gov.uk/education-and-children/special-educational-needs/listening-to-your-voice-and-taking-action/kent-pact

Virtual schools

Strategies and provision provided regularly

Quality First Teaching / Mainstream Core Standards

Curriculum interventions such as:

Little Wandle – phonics

Reading, writing, maths catch up groups

Reading Recovery

Building Reading Stamina


Junior Language Link (KS2)


Pre-teach learning

Revisit learning

Fizzy – gross motor skills

Cleverhands – fine motor skills


Touch typing

Clicker 7

Social skills

Lego therapy

Boxall profile – Nurture UK

Nurture time

Time to talk

Draw and talk

Colour monsters (EYFS, KS1)

Zones of regulation (KS2)

Horse riding

Mini Police cadets

Listening skills

TRG mentors – Transferring Lives for Good

Targets/programmes from outside agencies

Gets/programmes from outside agencies