
Year 2 Tennis at Bromley

On Saturday 12th June, Casper, Jasper, Jack and Imogen, made their first ever long journey to the Bromley Tennis Centre for the school.  They went to represent us in the Continue reading

Safer Internet Day 2021

At Deal Parochial CEP School online safety has a high profile and is valued as an important life skill in our modern, digital world.  As well as being taught weekly Continue reading

British Science Week

British Science Week at Deal Parochial.   Children were welcomed back to school on 8th March with lots of science activities planned for British Science Week.   Considering topics from Continue reading

Comic Relief Science Assembly 2021

Comic Relief Science Assembly 2021.   This year’s Comic Relief Science Assembly took place in the Year 4 bubble, whilst being streamed around to other class bubbles in the school.  Continue reading

Christingle 2020

18th December 2020 On 18th December, Year 3 led our Christingle Service. The children in Year 3 lit Christingles during our collective worship. They spoke about the history of Christingles Continue reading

Top Effort Science Awards

We have enjoyed many Science activities this term: Sandcastle STEM workshops for Y1-6, After-School Science Clubs for Y3 & Y4, and Advent Science in Y2.  Lots of pupils from across the year group bubbles Continue reading

Year 2 Nativity

Year 2 pupils had a fantastic time at St George’s Church, Deal. Although the doors were closed this year to the general public, the pupils had the opportunity to be Continue reading

Science Club

Y3 and Y4 Science Clubs – Learning about Density.   In w/c 23rd November, the children in the Year 3 and Year 4 Science Clubs had great fun learning about Continue reading

Advent Science

Every school day since the beginning of December, Year 2 have been enjoying some fun and wow moments in science in our School Science Advent Calendar.   Experiments so far have Continue reading